
Early detection of prostate cancer

In Spain, about 15,000 men are diagnosed each year with prostate cancer, making it the most common form of male canker. The greater probability of surviving this type of cancer derives from its early detection, since when it is identified in the early stages and treated by expert medical teams, there is practically a 100% chance of cure. 

Early detection of prostate cancer 

If there is no personal or family history that implies a greater risk of developing prostate cancer, it is advisable to have a check-up from the age of 50 aimed at early diagnosis of prostate cancer. Don't delay it.


Request your appointment with the urology service through the web or on the 91 277 72 20


Conventional screening to rule out prostate cancer is based on a blood PSA test and a urological examination.

When any of these tests is altered, a biopsy is performed to confirm the diagnosis, where tissue samples from different areas of the prostate are analyzed.

Conventional biopsy is performed with ultrasound, but by itself does not serve to identify the location of the tumor, so the tissue takes are virtually random, this justifies that in a first biopsy are not diagnosed up to 30% of existing tumors and that new extractions of samples are necessary.

At MD Anderson Madrid we have the Histoscanning detection system that allows us to better locate the tumour and, therefore, direct the biopsy towards the suspicious areas, increasing the detection rate by up to 25%. Through the computer processing of the data obtained by conventional transrectal ultrasound, the system analyzes tissue variations caused by tumors and shows, on a color scale, the most suspicious areas.

While traditional biopsy diagnoses nearly 65% of prostate cancers, more sensitive techniques such as histoscanning can recognize up to 90% of tumors and, in cases of greater aggressiveness and volume, up to 95%.

One of the main characteristics of this cancer is that it may not produce symptoms, especially in the early stages of the disease where early diagnosis is essential to achieve the patient's cure. For this reason, consultation with a specialist should become a standard annual appointment, since the usual controls allow more than 90% of prostate cancers to be detected in time.

Men with prostate cancer may experience one or more of the following symptoms:

  • Pain or stinging during urination
  • Inability to urinate or difficulty starting to urinate
  • Frequent or urgent need to urinate
  • Difficulty emptying the bladder completely
  • Blood in the urine or semen
  • Continued pain in the lower back, pelvis, or thighs

If you have any of these symptoms, see your doctor as soon as possible to evaluate your case.